Mount And Blade Companions Guide

Apr 13, 2020

Happy Nobles All 8 nobles are included in this group of 10 companions. Nine exchange activesync keygen. The only companions who will be at each other's throats are Alayen and Floris, but Alayen has Ymira to keep him happy and Floris has Firentis. Mount And Blade Followers; A simple and easy to follow guide. Other Mount & Blade: Warband Guides: Cheats. Basic and Improved Infantry Melee. Prophesy of Pendor Guide. Guide to Soloing. Kingdom of Nords Guide. Airpath compass overhaul manual for aircraft. Starting Options As soon as you launch the game, the main menu presents you with several options. These are: New Game: Starts a brand.

This guide contains a list of last names and what they have for stats, at least in current game. Last names because if you didn't know first names are randomized but last names seems to denote at least general role.

Companions and Wanderers Stat List


Mount And Blade Companions Guide
Example entry:
  • Class
  • Name-Culture- # example stat, # example stat, +trait, -trait.

Rough Classes and Stats

  • Surgeon-Empire- 70 one handed, 70 throwing, 70 athletics. 80 Medicine +generous +honest +merciful.
  • Willowbark-Sturgia- 70 onehanded, 70 throwing, 70 athletics. 60 medicine, +generous.
  • Bitterdraught-Vlandia- 70 onehanded, 70 throwing, 70 athletics, 90 charm, 60 medicine, -closefisted, +merciful.
  • Healer-Battani- 70 onehanded, 70 throwing, 70 athletics, 80 medicine, -devious.
  • Scholar-Aserai- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 120 medicine, -closefisted, +merciful.

  • Coalbiter-Sturgia- 150 one handed, 200 two handed, 170 polearms, 110 athletics +generous +daring -cruel.
  • Wanderer-Empire- 100 onehanded, 110 polearms, +daring.
  • Black-Empire- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, +generous, +daring.
  • Boar-Empire- 160 onehanded, 170 polearms, +honest, +daring, -cruel.
  • Hills-Empire- 90 twohanded, 135 archery, 70 athletics, -closefisted, +honest, +daring.
  • Red-Battania- 120 onehanded, 170 twohanded, 140 polearms, 90 athletics, -Devious, +daring.
  • Bloodaxe-Sturgia- 150 onehanded, 200 twohanded, 170 polearms, 110 athletics, +honest.
  • Grizzled-Vlandia- 120 onehanded, 140 crossbow, +honest, +mercyful.
  • Ironbelly-Battania- 160 onehanded, 130 throwing, 130 athletics, +honest, +daring, -cruel.
  • Shieldmaiden-Sturgia- 120 onehanded, 170 twohanded, 140 polearms, 90 athletics, +honest, +daring, -cruel.
  • Fairhair-Battania- 130 onehanded, 140 polearms, +generous, +daring.
  • Wronged-Battania- 130 onehanded, 110 throwing, 110 athletics, +honest, +daring, +merciful.
  • Bull-Empire- 120 onehanded, 170 twohanded, 140 polearms, 90 athletics, -devious, +daring.
  • Wronged-Vlandia- 120 onehanded, 130 polearms, 110 throwing, 130 riding, +honest.
  • Hawk-Khuzait- 120 onehanded, 130 archery, 120 riding, -devious, +daring.
  • Fatherless-Khuzait- 90 onehanded, 100 archery, 100 riding, +generous, +daring, +merciful.
  • She-Wolf-Khuzait- 150 onehanded 200 twohanded, 170 polearms, 110 athletics, +daring.
  • Wronged-Empire- 90 onehanded, 120 crossbow, +honest, -cruel.
  • Grey-Khuzait- 90 onehanded, 100 archery, 100 riding, -closefisted, +honest.
  • Loud-Vlandia- 130 onehanded, 120 twohanded, 140 polearms, 130 riding, 90 athletics, -closefisted, +daring.
  • Ironeye-Khuzait- 160 onehanded, 170 polearms, +honest, +daring, -cruel.
  • Barrelchest-Vlandia- 90 onehanded, 140 twohanded, 110 polearms, 70 athletics, +generous, +honest.
  • Breakskull-Sturgia- 120 onehanded 170 twohanded 140 polearms, 90 athletics, +daring, -cruel.
  • Swordsman-Aserai- 150 onehanded, 200 twohanded, 170 polearms, 110 athletics, +honest, +daring, -cruel.

  • Engineer-Aserai- 90 onehanded, 120 crossbow, 80 engineering, +honest, +daring.
  • Knowing-Khuzait- 60 onehanded, 100 crossbow, 80 engineering, -Closefisted, +Merciful.
  • Wainwright-Vlandia- 50 onehanded, 70 polearms, 70 throwing, 90 riding, 80 engineering, +generous, -cruel.
  • Scholar-Empire- 70 onehanded, 70 throwing, 70 athletics, 60 engineering, -closefisted, +merciful.

  • Wanderer-Battania- 100 onehanded, 110 polearms, 60 scouting, +daring.
  • Wastes-Aserai- 150 twohanded, 185 archery, 110 athletics, 140 scouting, -closefisted, -devious.
  • Fish-Sturgia- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 60 scouting, +generous, -devious.
  • Blacktooth-Battania- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 60 scouting, -closefisted, -devious, -cruel.
  • Alone-Khuzait-90 twohanded, 135 archery, 70 athletics, 60 scouting, +honest, +daring, -cruel.
  • Ragged-Battania- 90 twohanded, 135 archery, 70 athletics, 60 scouting, +honest, +merciful.
  • Hills-Vlandia- 90 onehanded, 120 crossbow, 120 scouting, -cautious, +merciful.
  • Frostbeard-Sturgia- 90 twohanded, 135 archery, 70 athletics, 80 scouting, +generous, +daring, +merciful.
  • Cowtheif-Battania- 90 twohanded, 135 archery, 70 athletics, 60 scouting, +generous, +daring, -cruel.
  • Huntress-Vlandia- 120 onehanded, 140 crossbow, 100 scouting, +daring.

Tacticians/warband leaders
  • Wanderer-Aserai- 120 one handed, 130 polearms, 110 throwing, 130 riding, 80 scout, 100 tactics, +daring.
  • Brave-Vlandia- 100 onehanded 90 twohanded, 110 polearms, 110 riding, 70 athletics, 60 tactics, +honest, +daring.
  • Lucky-Sturgia- 90 onehanded, 140 twohanded, 110 polearms, 70 athletics, 60 tactics, +Generous, +daring.
  • Silent-Empire- 130 onehanded, 120 twohanded, 140 polearms, 130 riding, 90 athletics, 60 tactics, +Generous, +daring, +,merciful.
  • Outcast-Khuzait- 90 onehanded, 100 archery, 100 riding, 60 tactics, +generous, -devious.
  • Falcon-Aserai- 120 onehanded, 130 polearms, 110 throwing, 130 riding, 100 tactics, +generous, +daring.
  • Golden-Aserai- 180 onehanded, 190 polearms, 150 throwing, 170 riding, 100 tactics, -closefisted.
  • Horsethief-Battania- 120 onehanded, 130 polearms, 110 throwing, 130 riding, 100 tactics, +generous, -devious.

  • Accursed-Sturgia- 90 two handed, 135 archery, 70 athletics, 60 roguery, -closefisted, +honest, +daring, +merciful.
  • Mad-Khuzait- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 60 roguery, - devious.
  • Hyena-Aserai- 160 onehanded, 170 polearms, 100 roguery, -closefisted, -devious, -cruel.
  • Robber-Empire- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 60 roguery, +generous, -devious, +mercyful.
  • Black-Vlandian- 120 twohanded, 160 archery, 90 athletics, 80 scouting, 120 roguery, +generous, +daring, -cruel.
  • Butcher-Empire- 130 onehanded, 110 throwing, 110 athletics, 60 roguery, -closefisted, -devious, -cruel.
  • Leopardess-Aserai- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 100 roguery, +generous, +daring.
  • Prince-Aserai- 130 onehanded, 110 throwing, 110 athletics, 140 roguery, +generous, -devious, +merciful.
  • Shark-Vlandia- 130 onehanded, 110 throwing, 110 athletics, 60 roguery, -closefisted, -devious, -cruel.
  • Longknife-Sturgia- 100 onehanded, 90 throwing, 90 athletics, 60 roguery, +generous, -devious.

  • Spicevendor-Aserai- 120 onehanded, 140 crossbow, 100 trading, 100 steward, +honest, +merciful.
  • Swift-Khuzait- 90 twohanded, 135 archery, 70 athletics, 100 roguery, 80 trading, 80 steward, +generous, +daring, +merciful.

The single Blacksmith atm
  • Smith- Vlandia- 90 onehanded, 140 twohanded, 110 polearms, 70 athletics, 60 smithing, +generous, +merciful.

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  • All Mount and Blade II Bannerlord Guides!

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Feb 7, 2020

A brief guide on classes, roles, companions and groups.

Guide to Companion Builds


This took me awhile but I felt this was necessary to do. This was made for myself, but thought it would be helpful and cool for others to see. In advance, I will say that this is suited to my play style, thus my opinion on what I think fits best with whatever. You can always change what each characters classes and roles are. Whether you change from what I've recommended (as I do have multiple options for some companions) or you change them entirely. That is fine, suit your play style. Anyway, on with the guide.Mount And Blade Companions Guide
In this guide, you will see:
  • Classes and what weapons the classes will use.
  • Roles and the aligned skills with those roles.
  • Companions with their class and role.
  • Companion group builds.

Classes / Weapons

  • Archer / Bow and Arrow or Throwing Weapons, Shield, One Handed Weapons.
  • Cavalry / Lance, Shield, One and Two Handed Weapons.
  • Infantry / One and Two Handed Weapons, Shield and Pole-arm.
  • Horse Archer / Bow and Arrow and Two Handed Weapon or One Handed Weapon with Shield.

Roles / Skills

  • Engineer / Engineer and Looting
  • Tracker / Tracking, Path-finding and Spotting
  • Trainer / Trainer, Looting and Tactics
  • Doctor / Would Treatment, Surgery and First Aid
  • Trader / Prisoner Management and Trade

Companions - Class / Role

  • Alayen - Cavalry / Anything
  • Artimenner - Infantry / Engineer
  • Baheshtur - Horse Archer / Anything
  • Borcha - Infantry / Tracker
  • Bunduk - Cavalry / Trainer - Doctor
  • Deshavi - Archer / Tracker
  • Firentis - Infantry / Anything
  • Jeremus - Anything / Doctor
  • Katrin - Anything / Doctor
  • Klethi - Archer / Tracker
  • Lezalit - Infantry or Cavalry / Trainer
  • Marnid - Anything / Trader
  • Matheld - Infantry / Anything
  • Nizar - Cavalry / Anything
  • Rolf - Archer / Anything - Doctor
  • Ymira - Horse Archer or Cavalry / Doctor - Trader
Companions Guide - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Wiki Guide - IGN

Companion Groups

Mount And Blade Companions Guide10 Safe Companion Group
  • Alayen - Cavalry / Trader
  • Artimenner - Infantry / Engineer
  • Baheshtur - Horse Archer / Trainer
  • Borcha - Infantry / Tracker
  • Bunduk - Cavalry / Trainer
  • Katrin - Archer / Doctor
  • Matheld - Infantry / Engineer
  • Nizar - Cavalry / Tracker
  • Rolf - Archer / Doctor
  • Ymira - Horse Archer / Trader

Infantry Companion Build
  • Alayen - Cavalry / Doctor
  • Artimenner - Infantry / Engineer
  • Baheshtur - Horse Archer / Tracker
  • Borcha - Infantry / Tracker
  • Firentis - Infantry / Trader
  • Matheld - Infantry / Tracker
  • Lezalit - Infantry / Trainer
  • Rolf - Archer / Doctor

Cavalry Companion Build
  • Artimenner - Infantry / Engineer
  • Borcha - Infantry / Tracker
  • Katrin - Cavalry / Doctor
  • Lezalit - Cavalry / Trainer
  • Marnid - Cavalry / Trading
  • Matheld - Infantry / Tracker
  • Nizar - Cavalry / Tracker
  • Rolf - Archer / Doctor

Archer Companion Build
  • Alayen - Cavalry / Doctor
  • Baheshtur - Horse Archer / Tracker
  • Bunduk - Cavalry / Trainer
  • Deshavi - Archer / Tracker
  • Firentis - Infantry / Engineer
  • Jeremus - Archer / Doctor
  • Klethi - Archer / Tracker
  • Ymira - Horse Archer / Trader

Horse Archer Companion Build
  • Bunduk - Cavalry / Trainer
  • Deshavi - Archer / Tracker
  • Katrin - Horse Archer / Doctor
  • Klethi - Archer / Tracker
  • Jeremus - Horse Archer / Doctor
  • Marnid - Horse Archer / Trader
  • Nizar - Cavalry / Engineer
  • Ymira - Horse Archer / Trader

Other Remarks

All previously listed are what I think fits best from what I have gathered from looking through each companion's character sheet. You can always change what class or role a companion has that fit your play style.
As for group builds, again, they are very interchangable. I encourage experimentation on what group builds are the best. These builds are just something that I think are best.
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